Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My baby is growing up...

Last night my youngest called down to me from his bedroom with what might be the funniest thing I've heard in a LONG time. The conversation went something like this:

Justin: "Mummy, I have a girlfriend."
Mummy: "oh do you?"
Justin: "yes, her name is Ava."
Mummy: "Do you hug her?"
Justin: "yes."
Mummy: "Do you hold her hand?"
Justin: "yes."
Mummy: (growing a little concerned) "uhhhh, do you give her kisses?"
Justin: "EWWWWWW NO!"

Small pause, falls out of bed, tears ensue.

Mummy: (while cuddling sniffly boy) "Are you going to marry Ava?"
Justin: "No."
Mummy: "Is she still your girlfriend?"
Justin: "No."
Mummy: "Did you break up with her without telling her?"
Justin: "yes."
Mummy: "Never do that Squidge."
Justin: "why?"
Mummy: "It's rude."
Justin: Shrugs shoulders and says "meh."

He turned 6 today...Happy Birthday Justin. :)

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