Friday, March 28, 2014

Time to Misbehave Me Thinks!

Lately our lives have been....heavy. There is no better word. Heavy, hard, filled with limited and difficult choices, frustrating decisions, sacrifices and the misery and joys that come with being parents.

Mama and OtherDaddy be tired. Some days we feel really disconnected.

We are parents, apparently we're not "allowed" to run away from home. I've come to realize that may have something to do with the limitations of running away from home when all that is left is $20 in your wallet. Somehow running away to Starbucks isn't what I have in mind.

And then yesterday I stumbled upon this article on --a "A Wholesome Guide to Misbehaving"

Dear GOD did it speak to me! I'm ready...I hear planes flying overhead and I wish I were on them....

Mr. Burgess....

Lets make our own adventure! Because Adventuring with you is my most favorite thing to do!

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