Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why YES Virginia, THERE are bad people in this World

I'm not sure who has been following this story, but in Saskatoon there is a story unfolding that has some very distinct sides.

I am biased. I suspect my bias is very much in line with many others in this community. I suspect the skew is very much in support of the the Price Family.

The basics are a quick Google search away, and summarized as this:

  • The Price Family own an acreage just outside of Saskatoon near the community of Aberdeen.
  • Their neighbors, with whom they share a fence, the Krawchuk's, 'protected' their property from a ferocious, vicious, St. Bernard Puppy, named Bentley.
  • Bentley was owned and loved by the Price Family. 
  • Bentley got on to the the Krawchuk property by walking over a snowbank, he was curious about the Krawchuk's donkey. 
  • Bentley was a puppy.
  • Lianne, the Price's oldest child, saw Bentley cross on to the property and immediately sensed that trouble was imminent and rushed out to fetch Bentley home.
  • Have I mentioned Bentley was a puppy?
  • Madam Krawchuk saw Bentley on the property and demanded her husband go attend to the situation. 
  • He was playing Candy Crush at the time.
  • Horrifically, he didn't jump when Madam said jump and as a result of shrewish man-flogging (ok, maybe I'm editorializing a little here, but what the hell, it's my blog!) he was incited to attend to the situation, wielding a gun.
  • Being confronted by a vicious and playful puppy who was being backed up by his gang of teenage girl, he demanded they depart at once!
  • When the puppy failed to heed his warning to leave--I'm certain he first properly determined that the dog was fluent in English, and clearly understood his reasonable, gun wielding request--Mr. Krawchuk saw fit to discharge his firearm at the animal and kill him.
  • By the mercy of a god I do not understand, but am grateful to, Lianne was not injured externally.
  • Internal injuries, having had a firearm pointed at her and her pet, watching her puppy die, and being powerless...well there is no 911 call or medical attention that fixes that.
  • Her father having witnessed the discharging gun and his child draped over the body of her pet, apparently reacted to the situation. As a parent, I commend him for not beating the living tar out of Mr. Krawchuk. 
  • I would have been a parent possessed at that moment.
  • It took a long time for the Krawchuk's to be charged: Huffington Post Story
  • The judge did take into account both the interruption of Candy Crush and the inciteful nature of a shrewish wife when sentencing both Mr. & Mrs. 
  • In an attempt to impress upon these dregs of humanity that there are consequences to entitlement and bad behavior he levied a fine upon them for being idiots. Or discharging firearms. Or being idiots. Either way--he fined them.
There are times when I question humanity. Today is one of those days.

Today an article ran in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix that should have had the headline: Bad Humans ask for funding These pathetic human's are now attempting to crowd fund the fines our courts have levied against them.

Their "GoFundMe" campaign demonstrates this to be a family of moral question and who have no idea how to take responsibility for their own actions. I'm certain that our judicial system was NOT designed with fines to be paid by crowd funding. They were designed, by my understanding, to assist those who do not understand WHY we have laws, in respecting said laws.

And before I get a special shit storm of criticism from people who do not know me and who will feel that I have absolutely no basis to be critical, it should be noted that I shared a back fence with Michael and Fiona Price for several years.

And yes, fences were breached, repeatedly. As a normal, and presumably mentally stable human being, it never occurred to me to wield a weapon. As neighbors we discussed pulling out a picket or two to allow the kids easier access between our shared yards, and prevent their injury.

The only shots fired were invitations, communications and there may have been the spirited exchange of beers from time to time. If we all went about shooting our neighbors....ummmm....well....yeah.....

Also if you don't believe that people convicted of crimes should be able to 'crowd fund' their fines, you can go to:

GoFundMe contact Page - let them know you don't agree with their facilitating further bad behavior and cite this link so they know which one to remove:

DISCLAIMER: **Based upon the RIDICULOUS posting of the Krawchuk daughter on their GoFundMe site, I've taken some liberties with my view, on what I've written above. I can only infer the character of the people mentioned within based upon their public profiles, media coverage and postings**

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