Thursday, May 3, 2012

Its just plain wrong

I love this picture. It goes so far beyond homosexuality, its about Christianity as a whole and those who hide behind God as a means to promote their own intolerance.

There is a story floating around the media right now about a NC pastor who made a statement to hit your children if they appear to be gay. He's now retracting his statement, saying it was a joke. However this retraction only came because of all the public uproar. And I fear he wouldn't have deemed it a joke had the outcry been supportive of his statement.

I don't want to post a link to any of the talk shows or media who have covered this because I think it gives too much credibility to this guy and people who share his view. Thankfully I've met many great people who also happen to be Christian's in the true meaning of the word.

It is truly my belief that Jesus was probably a pretty cool guy with a great sense of humor, deep seeded empathy, and love for humanity.

He spent his time hanging out with what would dub the 'dregs of society' and created a following bigger than anyone in history with his philosophy of love through action and compassion. My belief is that Jesus would have been ashamed of this man and his statement. And my belief is that instead of dismissing it as a joke, this man needs to seek forgiveness. We also need to forgive, clearly his intolerance is borne of ignorance and it is my hope that he will learn from this. Learn love. Learn Compassion. It is also my hope that from all of this he will teach the lessons of love, forgiveness and compassion that he learns from this.

That is what Christianity is really about. I'm grateful for the living examples, in many different and varied faiths, of this in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post- hateful comments about people because of their lifestyle is not Christ focused- but fear filled. I appreciate the story of Wilna Van Beek "Overcoming the Gay Lifestyle" as it confirms God's love- Jesus Truth and His grace:) if you have 30 minutes- I encourage people to listen to her story: on Youtube under that title of her talk. Formerly from South Africa, moved to the US and now a Canadian Citizen here in Saskatchewan. I don't agree with the quote at the top though Allia. God does NOT condone sin- any sin. Our problem happens is when we judge others and rate sins as to which are more sinful than others. All have sinned and fallen short of God's standards. Jesus is the only perfect One to trust and allow to transform us all from the inside out. It's a journey. Wilna's story is one to teach us all more compassion, empathy and the importance of trusting God to change people. No matter what the "issue" is. We all have a desire to be loved and to belong. God's kingdom and His ways and His plans is a higher call of belonging that we cannot comprehend in our finite minds. Wilna has discovered this revelation:)
