Friday, June 22, 2012

Creating Happiness

I've had a crappy couple of weeks as many know. 

I'd love to say it impacted only me but the type of frustrations and hurdles I've hit (including eye surgery that has left me with somewhat limited vision for the next several weeks) have impacted those I love the very most.

Through many days and nights of dealing with one speed bump, followed by a hurdle, chased by a mountain, I've felt myself sucked deeper and deeper down into a vortex of sadness, disillusionment, frustration and overwhelmedness. I FELT like I have no power to change the issues and hurdles I'm facing.

And then I read this:

A dear friend shared it on Facebook and it was beyond aptly timed (Thanks Brent!)

I've forgotten to be a grown up. There is so much of what we are facing that I cannot change. You can't MAKE people do or be or say or act like you want or need them to. You can't even make people be ethical, moral or simply decent.

I'm 40 years old. Old enough to know that I can CHOOSE love, laughter, joy and happiness. I owe a debt of gratitude to the entire universe, even if it DOES have me in a reality show against my will!

Today I'll take it to the pavement and celebrate the things that matter: I'm healthy, my kids are coming home from their dad tonight; I have food in my fridge; an amazing man who I truly love walks beside me each day and sleeps with his arms around me each night; I have choices; my dear friend just had a baby girl and I get to hold a brand new life today... and I get to make my life a brand new life today too.

What I can't change, what will frustrate, anger and paralyze me, I'll take to the pavement, knowing it's all gonna be ok.

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