Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You really aren't all that special...

Recently, a teacher in Edmonton was fired for giving a zero to students who didn't complete their assignments.

Here is the full article: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/news/Teacher+handed+zeros+expects+fired/6719159/story.html

I find this appalling! Kyle's mom is a teacher, and we are the parents to four wonderful kids. But when I read this article I am astounded at the stupidity of it all.

Maybe Kyle and I were just raised with a higher standard, and as such have a higher standard we want for our children. But I am filled with frustration and outrage when I see that a good teacher, with a sensible REAL LIFE approach to teaching, does something like, oh, I don't know, treating the teenager (who is old enough to understand consequences) to a grade deserving of their effort. Zero effort = zero grades.

The parents that are outraged at this teacher are likely the same hypocrites who can't understand what has gone wrong with 'kids these days'.

LIFE doesn't give you an "incomplete' and an opportunity to do better.

Our oldest daughter started her first job recently. Because we know much of the staff and management where she works, we were pleased to find out that they were surprised to find out she was only 15 (just recently turned 16) because she works so hard.

In our home we have expectations and standards. It hurts when we have to take things away or implement consequences. BUT THAT IS LIFE! The kids are kinder, smarter, better equipped for real life because of it.

As a parent seeing passing grades with no merit, soccer games with no score, tournaments where everyone gets a medal, is disconcerting. Our society is teaching children that everyone wins. Feelings don't get hurt. Ativan, Prozac, or any other plethora of drugs will help them cope.

Real life doesn't forgive this way, it isn't kind. It is hard, and cruel and really, really tough. By enabling the all too common mantra of "the world owes me something" we are disabling an entire generation of children. How can we have expectations of kids when there aren't any being set in their world??

In our home we work hard against that but we can't overcome and entire culture of entitlement and attitude. If I had one message for my children it would be the commencement speech from Wellesley High School:

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