Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Driving the Karma Bus....

This last 3 months have been REALLY trying my patience. Seriously Universe/Karma gods, WTF did I do to you?

I try to be a good person, a good mom, and a good spouse. I work hard, am kind...sarcastic, but kind, I generally try and make this world better if I have the power to do so. It would be arrogant to say I always succeed in this, but I don't deliberately try to go out and hurt people for my own personal gain or satisfaction. Currently, I only have a small list of people Karma keeps missing...ok, that's a lie...I have a growing list of people, but really WHY do bad people have good things happen to them?

There are so many really good people out there with great intentions, and the ones who back stab, and hurt and tear down seem to get ahead? I don't understand. I watch the people I love, who are genuine good people constantly getting sidelined or out right derailed by stupidity, bullying, toxicity and ridiculousness, and I can't help but question the Universe.

I see petty, ignorant people getting ahead professionally, you know the ones, professional vipers--they smile at you and speak nice words, all the while plunging the knife into your back, or the backs of others? It's terribly disconcerting to watch those I would deem to be intelligent men and women fall prey to the hypnosis of these vipers. Yet I see it over and over again. The snakes are everywhere.

I see people personally, gleefully sharing that they 'stuck it to someone'. Just yesterday, I related a story to another party of something that had happened to me recently. They indicated that they had heard the exact same story, same words, same everything. The difference was that the other party was very proud of themselves for being deliberately hurtful and cruel. Part of me wants to be THAT girl. The one who just doesn't give a damn and rolls like she just don't care....except this girl kinda does...a lot more than she'd like to.

Since I was small I repeatedly heard the mantra: do good things, be a good person, and good things will happen for you. And please, make no mistake, I have an infinite depth of gratitude for all the tremendous blessings in my life. I just struggle to understand a universe that allows prosperity in return for being a vile human.

And as a result, the karma gods these days are SERIOUSLY pissing me off...creating all this nonsense in my world and the worlds of those I love.

So hear this KarmaBitch: I want my life rid of the toxic people (easier said than done), you know who they are! I ask to have abundance and blessing; joy and gratitude; hopes and dreams; peace and calm flow over my little family and all those who do good in this world.

And, as for those vindictive vipers, the bitter mavens who litter the professional and personal worlds around me and those I love, I wish this: Whatever has made you so bitter, I wish you find the ability to forgive it. Whatever has made you so insecure, I wish you the ability to heal it. Whatever has made it satisfying to hurt me, to hurt others, I hope you realize and find it in you to fix it. 

Karma has a lawnmower and she's not afraid to use it!

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